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- A Letter from Chris – 10/27/23
A Letter from Chris – 10/27/23
"The imagination is a muscle. If it is not exercised, it atrophies." – Neil Gaiman
Hello dear reader!
Welcome back!
A look back
October was a steady month. The most enjoyable thing that happened was when I was invited to an indie book fair and got to speak with a whole bunch of other indie authors about their work. There was even a jazz band.

Other than that I largely did what I could to enhance my novel’s visibility. Tough to do as an individual without the backing of any institution (and expensive) but I’ll keep at it as long as I can. Here’s what I did:
I bit the bullet and made an Instagram account (which if you know me is a lot. I don’t like social media.)
Paid for three more professional reviews through the Reader’s Favorites network. Their responses should be back by the end of November.
Reached out to a dozen free indie reviewers.
Entered my novel into the Independent Author Network and Eric Hoffer book awards (the sites aren’t pretty, I know, but most book award sites are like this.)
Applied for an Indie BRAG medallion.
The biggest thing I discovered was that I should have spent more time prior to my book’s launch garnering reviews. Cost at the time was a factor, and I had already spent a good deal on this book’s production which made me shy away from it, but it would’ve been beneficial. C’est la vie.
A look forward
I keep saying, “my audiobook will be done in X weeks” and then we keep pushing it back. So this time I’m not going to say anything! Just know that we’re always working on it and we’re going to keep working on it until its finally done.
I’m planning on attending another fair in December but I don’t have details on that yet.
I’ve rewritten the first chapter for The Briar Abiding and am now waiting on feedback before continuing, but rather serious family matters have also forced me to take a step back. November may very well be a month where I don’t accomplish much.
Most of my updates from this point forward will be about trying to gain visibility for my book, which is why I must now petition you, dear reader. If you happened to read The Dance Between and enjoyed what you read then please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, or any other outlet where its sold. It really helps little guys like me, and I’m eager to see what others think of it. Even negative reviews help me become a better writer when made constructively!
Lastly, October is my favorite month, so I think I’ll leave you with a poem I wrote about it.
I’ve breathed in deep the somber glow of slivered, setting sun,
I’ve frozen through the morning hues of day that’s just begun.
I’ve wandered under golden crowns that autumn lulled to sleep,
I’ve flown to mountain tall to leave my heart atop its peak.
Though joyous are your undertones, sorrow you instill.
Of what, I ask, the reason then, behind this airy thrill?
Your aura sparks a war in me which fights for my control.
What stirrings you instill becomes the aether of my soul.
You are hello. You are goodbye. The journey in-between.
You are the fire in the dark where moonlight fails to gleam.
The warmth of family, Halloween, cinnamon-apple tea,
You are what was and what may come, and all my memory.
In you resides a promised land where feet may never travel,
the whispers of a parting love as life and mind unravels.
In this farewell, a smile soft that cuts me to my core,
but as each day must yield to night, the sun must rise once more.
Thanks for reading,
The Dance Between is out now! Buy your copy here! You may also find me on Twitter or Instagram at @ChrisWritesNow
A new word that found me: Bicameral: consisting of, or including, two chambers, or legislative branches.